Monday, April 30, 2007

Thank You's from FG UIUC

Our group (minus a few) celebrated our successful first semester tonight! We just want to thank

- other FG chapters for all the inspiration and support;
- Kristin who seemed to have the answer to everything;
- Courier Cafe/Silvercreek for our regular supply of various hearty bread;
- Za's and Strawberry Fields for their in-kind donations;
- Clybourne's for being open to us
- and anyone who helped out to get our deli up and running initially (epecially Ryan S., Carleen, Johan, Nurul and Cindy)

Looking forward to more feelingood next semester! :)

1 comment:

FeelGood World said...

Way to go FG UIUC!!!

Wish I could have been there for the celebration. Thanks for your hard work and for helping us expand this movement.

Have a wonderful summer:)
