Monday, April 9, 2007

2 Grilled Cheese/soda combos = 1 $10 Bed-net for 2 people

Hey UVM Kiddees and Kiddos!

A couple more things!

First, if you haven't done so, check out the article written about FeelGood in "The View" It's a really nice piece and hopefully lots will read it and get the FeelGood message!

Motivation this week...what do you know about Malaria?

Well, according to a child dies from Malaria every 30 seconds. 1-3 million people (mostly children) die each year from Malaria.

"Malaria and poverty are intimately connected. Malaria is most intractable for the poorest countries in the world. It affects the health and economic growth of nations and individuals alike and is costing Africa about $12 billion a year in economic output.

The simple presence of malaria in a community or country also hampers individual and national prosperity due to its influence on social and economic decisions. The risk of contracting malaria in endemic areas can deter investment and affect individual and household decision making in many ways that have a negative impact on economic
productivity and growth.

Some examples of negative impact include:

• Preference by individual farmers/households to plant subsistence crops rather than more labor-intensive cash crops because of malaria's impact on labor during harvest season.
• Undeveloped markets due to traders' unwillingness to travel to and invest in malaria endemic areas.
• Undeveloped tourist industry due to reluctance of travelers to visit malaria-endemic areas."

THP Malawi launched a HUGE anti-malaria bed-net program in January 2004. In the October 2006 update to the global board, THP Malawi reported "THP-Malawi provides loans to buy bed nets, which are then sold for a small profit (this profit is invested back into getting more bed-nets). So far, several hundred bed-nets have been sold to the partners and this has dramatically reduced the incidences of malaria in several villages."

It is the simplest thing such as a bed-net that saves 2 lives, yet there are people out there who don’t have access to them This is not ok! If you want to read more about Malawi's malaria initiative, here is the link.

Or if you want to learn more about Malaria and poverty click here:

So who knew the cost of a couple grilled cheeses could buy a bed-net and save lives...literally!

See you tonight everyone!! 7:00 pm- be there or be square.


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