Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Desmond's Shout Out to FeelGood

Well, I have to write you to let you know what happened this morning. We had our first talk from Desmond Tutu in our Global Studies class which we all have every morning. Yes Desmond is on the ship, but our contact has been more limited than I would have hoped. The only chances we have gotten so far to converse with him are at meal times…and then you have to be in the right place at the right time with a seat open (I have sat with him before). BUT TODAY WAS AMAZING! He spoke to us all, and no more than 10 minutes into his speech, something amazing happened. Well one more story first… he had a photo session a week or so ago, where I gave him a FeelGood jacket and material, but only had about 10 seconds to describe FeelGood and how it was started. I haven’t seen him wear the jacket yet, but back to the story. So ten minutes into his speech, Desmond Tutu gives a PERSONAL shout out to me (referred to me as one of the students) and to FeelGood! He spent like a whole minute describing how amazing students are since they do things like this and how amazing FeelGood itself is at ending poverty! Point is, I feel like I’m high. Desmond Tutu loves FeelGood! So I now am in the process of trying to get my hands on one of the professional videos taken of his speech so we can get it for FeelGood. I gotta go, but I really think this is a big step for FeelGood… Peace out!


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Former UT FeelGood President and Desmond Tutu!

Hello FGers,

This is Kristin Walter from FG World just signing in to share some FG news with you. Well, UT FeelGood's president of 2 years, Jason Walter, left this semester to do Semester At Sea. While he is no longer UT's FG president, he is still a hardcore FG advocate and is sort of evangalizing (for lack of a better word) for FG on the boat. I am happy to report that his FG sharing is paying off...he says he has already recruited a handful of new schools! But he is not only sharing FG with students, he has the unique opportunity of being on a boat with one of my favorite Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, Desmond Tutu. Read what he has to say about his experience thus far:

You will be happy to know that I sat down with Bishop Desmond Tutu this morning for about 10 minutes during breakfast before class. It was fantastic. He is the wisest, most endearing man of all time. He wanted to be a doctor when he was my age, but I am glad he chose the path he did. He was a highschool teacher for some time but moved on once the school he was teaching at began to be unjust (Something tells me what I just wrote didn't make sense, but the point is he constantly stands up for what he believes in and never waivers, not for money, not for job security, not for anything). I was the last in line the other night for an autographing by Desmond, but they ended up cutting it short so I didn't actually get to follow through with it. I am first in line though to get pictures taken with him Thursday night (I have the FeelGood jacket and material already ready to go).

Keep it up Jason and please send us a picture of you and Desmond when you get one.

Everyone else out there, have no fear, Sara Janne Aarsland has taken hold of the reigns as the new UT FeelGood President without missing a beat.

Have a happy Valentine's Day!



Tuesday, February 13, 2007

MDG Video

Hello Again,

This week I'd thought I'd send a little audio-visual your way. This
video I found on "youtube" was made at Depaul University in Chicago
and outlines the Millenium Development Goals. I know that most of you
are pretty familiar with the goals but I have found that the more
input we recieve in different forms, the better we can put the
information into our own words and better articulate it to others.
Just click below.

MDG Video

Realize that you are part of are an ACTIVE part history in
the making.

Have a great day and I look forward to see you all this week!

$1000 for THP in 1 week!

Hey there feelgooders,

Thanks to all your hardwork we recieved $1000 in donations last week!
Keep spreading the feelgood word. We may not be the most well-known
organization on campus, but we ARE the one of the most influential,
and with some persistance we WILL be known by everyone at UVM.

On that note, a feelgood campus mailer will be going out to every
mailbox in the dorms in the upcoming week. Keep a look out and take
the opportunity to inform people you see with the flyers!

Also, feelgood apparrel is flying off the shelves! Come get your
t-shirts, track jackets, and hats (yes, awesome FG winter hats) before
they're gone!

Tonight is just a prep night, but no less important. Please meet @

If you can't make it to prep tomorrow, please email me with the times
you want to work this week. I cannot stress enough the much needed
help on Tuesdays. Business is starting to pick up and the counter
can't run without you guys. For those of you who are new to the
listerv this week feel free to jump right in, everyone is always


Leah, VP or UVM FeelGood

Monday, February 5, 2007

February 5th 2007

GOOD MORNING feelgood boys and girls,

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend and a lovely superbowl Sunday!(asa born and raised "chicago-an," I am now in recovery)

Football aside, this week is an "official feelgood meeting week." At the last "official meeting" we all came up with a few goals to liveup to this semester:
1) educate others about The Hunger Project
2) Plan a possible event with Middlebury Feelgood
3)Reach out to more faculty
4)Find more donations in order to limit budget money spent on produce
5) Raise $15,000 this semester!!!!!

So this week's meeting is TODAY (MONDAY), FEBRUARY 5TH @ 7:00 PM IN THE MLK LOUNGE (NEAR CC THEATER) Also, the new apparel is at the counter! We've got some sweet AmericanApparel blue and grey t-shirts as well as cranberry and asphalt trackjackets. Come check it out and hear about our great deal!

As usual we will be doing prep after the meeting as well as sign-upsfor the week. Shoot me an email if you'd like to sign up for a slot but can't make it to the meeting. This week we are trying time-slotsaccording to "class periods" If it doesn't really fly we will go back to the hour slots. You can still sign up for as many slots as you would like, this is an experiment to see if we can transition the counterpositions more smoothly.

ALSO...Feelgood will be at the 1st annual Winter Club Fair this weekon Wednesday the 7th from 11-3. Sign-ups to work our table will be atthe meeting.

Now to educate ourselves....So I found this website called I clicked thisbutton that said "help feed the here, its free" I clicked and a message came up that said "Thank you! Your click helps feed the hungry with the value of 1.1cups of staple food. Please click every day and thank our sponsorsbelow."

Hmmmm....I hope you can all see what is very wrong with this idea. Read this exerpt from The Hunger Project's February newsletter and see if you can find the flaws with the kind of "hunger" image above....

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fishand he will eat for a lifetime."~ Chinese Proverb.

This proverb leaps to mind whenever we think of efforts to end hunger. Yet, it is surprisingly and dangerously misleading. Most of the hungriest parts of the world produce more than enoughfood. India - the country with the largest number of hungry people - has tens of millions of tons of surplus food in storage. If hungry people don't lack our food, then surely they lack our knowledge. Don't they need our technology and expertise to solve their problems of hunger and poverty?

No. People are not hungry because they are ignorant. Some of theworld's greatest knowledge of sustainable fishing, herding and farmingresides in the world's hungry villages. We in the West could franklyuse a few lessons ourselves in sustainable food production. The issues are more fundamental. The fish are there. The people knowhow to fish. Yet, there is barbed wire around the pond - literally andfiguratively."

As members of FeelGood, these are the ideas we need to help our peersto adopt. Our partners around the world may be denied thier voice, but we have the opportunity to use ours to its full potential. If you would like an example of how The Hunger Project addresses the underlying social conditions in order to cut that "barbed wire," read on...

"Increasing people's productivity and income requires accurate information. The majority of hungry people live in rural communities that are at a serious economic disadvantage because they are without news of markets, prices, climatic conditions and competition. The Hunger Project develops strategies to overcome this isolation by ensuring that people in remote areas have timely access to informationto make knowledgeable decisions and improve their livelihoods. In Bolivia, our partner organization's radio broadcast provides information in Quechua, the local, indigenous language. EverySaturday, the radio station announces prices of agricultural products so that farmers have the timely information they need to protect themselves against abuses by purchasers who buy products at lower than fair prices in communities far from the capital. The station denounces unfair activity and encourages farmers to organize into federations.

Another example is from India, where the government has employment and drought relief schemes to provide income for the poor. People who are the poorest of the poor often are not covered by the schemes and also do not know that these programs exist. Elected local women leaders trained by The Hunger Project ensure that in their area every family living in poverty is covered by the schemes and is able to take advantage of them."

Congratualtions if you've made it to this blog. An even bigger congratulations if you've learned something!

See you tomorrow,

-Leah - VP of UVM FeelGood

Janurary 28th, 2007

So I was listening to this song by Dar Williams called "Echoes" that kind of reminded me of feelgood and our work. It goes like this...

Every time you love just a little
Take one step closer, solving a riddle
It echoes all over the world

Every time you opt in to kindness
Make one connection, used to divide us
It echoes all over the world

Every time you choose one more morning
Goodness or meanness, life has one warning
It echoes all over the world

When a leader gets the hungry fed food
When you just make love inside your bedroom
It echoes all over the world

So every time tell someone about empowering our partners, or make a cheesus loves me, or scream "GOURMET GRILLED CHEESE !!" at someone, or even slice an onion at prep...even really small actions like those...will in turn affect one action, that affects another action that affects another and so on. It will echo all over the world.

See ya'll tomorrow!

Leah - VP of UVM FeelGood

UVM - Week 2

Dear UVM FeelGood,

As promised, I will continue to deliver your weekly motivation to continue our important commitment. This expert is from

"Diarrhea claims the lives of 5000 children a day. These children aredying because they do not have access to adequate sanitation or safewater. Their deaths, from common diseases, are preventable.Where there is nowhere safe and clean to go to the toilet, people areexposed to disease, lack of privacy, and indignity.Bad health caused by poor sanitation has a knock-on effect on thefamily economy and nutrition.In many cultures women who have no access to a latrine must wait untilit is dark to go to the toilet or have to walk long distances to findan isolated spot. Where there are no toilets girls are prevented from going to school."

"This slum has existed for 10 years and is in a shocking state. Hanging latrines feed straight into a rubbish-filled ditch in themiddle of the slum. 5000 households here have no clean water and nosanitation. Many people get very ill here and I think it all stems from the open latrines. Smell the stench, it's disgusting. We get fevers, coughs andterrible diarrhea and there are no health care facilities that we canuse." explains Ruby from Balar Math Slum, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

I know this is a very unpleasant topic to read about, but it is important to consider ALL the aspects of poverty. It's easy to remember to be grateful that you have a full stomach, but how often do you think about your indoor plumbing? On a positive note, there is a Hunger Project web-page that outlinessome 2006 accomplishments. If you're interested, take a look to seewhat we've helped to make happen!

See you all in this week!

-Leah - VP of UVM FeelGood

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens canchange theworld;indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead

To UVM FeelGood - Happy 2007

To the amazing UVM Feelgood,

I just couldn't let you guys leave 2006 behind without a 'lil feelgoodreflection...
So, how will you remember this past year? Well, to start off you maywant to remember 2006 as the year you invested (roughly) (drum rollplease....)

$10,700 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to a world free from hunger. Add on the check we presented to the Hunger Project in May, and UVMfeelgood has raised around $18,700. How incredible. Think about otherall of the other feelgood kids across the country and theircontributions. Put togetherall of our passion, energy, and financial contributions. We are a student movement that is surely a force to be reckoned with.

There are millions of lives that will be affected as the change wecreate radiates throughout our world. Not only in the lives of ourpartners in the 2/3'rds world, but the in lives of our peers. We areshowing our generation that ending hunger and poverty is not animpossible unreachable goal. There are not only misconceptions aboutthe capabilities of our partners living in poverty, but about thecapabilities of ourselves as a generation. But, we all have theability to "shift that paradigm." 1) Hungry people are intelligent,worthy individuals who ask only for our partnership so they may endtheir own hunger and contribute significantly to society. 2) We, asyoung and responsible citizens of this world, can take on thatpartnership, and work to wards a world in which we can all be proud toinhabit together as equals.

I hope you are all empowered and fulfilled by this notion....Lets getready to start another year. This can only get better!

Business, Business.... Tomorrow is the first meeting of the semester. We will be opening thecounter this Tuesday! So the meeting is

MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2007 @ 7:00 PM in the MLK LOUNGE (next to CC theater)

We will be sharing with you a couple of organizational changes we willbe implementing and of course opening up the floor to new ideas forthe semester.And if you are just joining feelgood this semester, we would love tosee your smiling faces there, so please come!

So here's to the kids who have probably consumed more cheese and breadthan anyone else in Burlington... I am continually thankful that I canspend my weeks with all of your amazing spirits and I can't wait tosee you all behind that counter!

-Leah Grossman

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens canchange theworld;indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."